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Interesting Facts You Need To Know About Mystic Messenger Game!


mystic messenger beginners guide

Mystic Messenger is an exciting chat game where you can make chat, calls, emails with other characters.

It’s a fun playing game for mobile versions from which players can explore more fun. Playing a game in real time helps players to reduce mental stress quickly.

Here we are going to discuss exciting facts of Mystic Messenger game that every gamer should know before playing it.


Clicking on big chatroom allows you to enter exclusive chatrooms for chatting with other characters.

Characters will ask you to answer their questions by picking answers from the list. According to respond kind, one is able to achieve different hearts or broken hearts.

  • Zen- gray hearts
  • Yoosung- green hearts
  • Jaehee- brown hearts
  • Jumin- purple hearts
  • 707- red hearts
  • Ray- magenta hearts
  • V- turquoise hearts

According to the character and story kind, you will receive different colors heart.

Whereas it is essential for players to collect colorful hearts to progress in the game faster.


At the end of the chat, characters are able to call you and talk to you, but those are entirely optional.

If one can’t answer the call and then try to call back the character, they can’t pick up sometimes.

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Also, one needs to spend a specific amount of HB {premium currency of the game}. HB is a premium currency, so one needs to put more efforts to earn it more, here is a great way called mystic messenger hack to earn currency. Saving HB is a great option so don’t waste HB if you can’t answer the call.


Characters can suggest guests’ players join a party or enjoy the party moments. When players accept this option, they’ll get an email from guests.

If you answer three times correctly, guests can attend your party. To check the response is correct or not, one can go to email guide.

Text message

A text message is optional, but if players respond correctly to the characters text message, they are able to earn more hearts.